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Member Since: April 1, 2024



PoliceRP | Update 0.0.1 - Setting up the basics!
Defining Arctic Networks Versioning

The way Changelogs / Updates will be organised from now on, will be in a form similar to how Minecraft versions its game.

There are three numbers: A.B.C

A - The release status / major update or recode indicator. (0 - ALPHA / BETA, 1 - Main Release, 2+ - Major Recode e.t.c)
B - A Major Update. (0.1.0 Would represent the first major update)
C - A Minor Update. (0.0.1 Would represent the first minor update) [Like this post]

PoliceRP Updates

+ Added full HUD System -
* Weather, Time & Temperature display.
* XP & Level System Display.
* Threat Level Display.
* Playtime Display.
* Regular HUD (Job, Balance, Salary & Health)
* Ammunition HUD (When holding weapons)
+ Added F4 Menu -
* Dashboard tab, Shows players online, online police and several other statistics, Your faviourite jobs, Staff Online & Roleplay Commands.
* Jobs tab, portrays colours well, clear seperation between classes of jobs.
* Items tab, for all entities the player can spawn.
* Rewards tab, For playtime rewards & achievement claiming.
* Website & Discord Links.
+ Applied UI to other media such as the Q menu.
+ Added a "Game Acitivity Paused" screen which will save huge amounts of CPU & GPU when tabbed out.
+ Added full weather system, follows UK timezone so that at midday its light and midnight its dark.
+ Organised Q Menu items.
+ Organised Q Menu tools.
+ Installed ULX / ULIB (Custom Edition used on IMPRP) & Tweaked / Added New Features.
+ Introduced the first Civilian / Base Jobs -

Regular Citizen -
* Description: A middle-class citizen living in the bustling city of New Exton is likely to have a stable job and a compfortable lifestyle, However nothing too extensive. They will have access to a wide range of facilities such as Shops, Vehicle Salespeople and Real Estate Agents.
* Salary: 64 (UK Universal Credit / 4)
* Max People: Unlimited (Default Job)
* Category: Civilian Jobs
* Requirements: None (Accessible To All)

* Requires Vote: No
* Has License: No
* Can Be Demoted: No

* Health: 100
* Armour: 0

Homeless Citizen -
* Description: Lower Class Citizens are a good way to recover if you are down on your luck, If you are below 10,000 in balance you can access this job to earn some quick money by selling trash to work your way up again (Very effective method, You will be auto kicked if over 10,000 though).
* Salary: 0 (No Income)
* Max People: 3
* Category: Civilian Jobs
* Requirements: Balance Lower Than 10,000

* Requires Vote: No
* Has License: No
* Can Be Demoted: No

* Health: 75 (Worse Living Conditions)
* Armour: 0

Suited Citizen -
* Description: A Upper Class citizen is someone who has reached the peak of achievement, weather their money was earned through legal or illegal means this character will have access to almost everything.
* Salary: 256 (Rich Get Richer)
* Max People: 3
* Category: Civilian Jobs
* Requirements: Balance higher than 1,000,000

* Requires Vote: No
* Has License: No
* Can Be Demoted: No

* Health: 125
* Armour: 0

+ Added a wide selection of addons & equipment. Some will be removed and tweaked before introduction.
& Various other miscelanous changes / small fixes.

Began work on Custom New Exton Map _

Discord Updates

+ Added Live Chat connection between the server & game, this allows for communication when you can't get on the server and provides other useful information such as when the server has finished restarting.
+ Added Arctic Bot -
* Added a variety of admin commands to create useful informative messages. (/createblock, /createchanneldescription, /createroleembed, /createrules, /createticketcreator, /createupdate.
* Added status fo the game server in #information, with its status, hostname, map, playercount and palyer list as well as connection details.
* Craeted reaction roles that allow you to pick up ping roles to get notified of various different events in the server. (Also displays all of the roles in the server and their description.)
* Added Ticket System under the #create-ticket channel, allows for tickets to be made for a variety of reasons and allow for staff to respond to them.
* Added Logging System for Discord Server Moderation.
* Added Suggestion System, allowing for users to make suggestions and for them to be discussed, upvoted and downvoted.
* Added Verification System, as an extra bot prevention method when joining the server.
* Added Join / Leave messages.
+ Did a general sort out and re-organisation of roles and channels.

Website Updates

+ Steam Login System & Account Setup -
* Set a unique Username.
* Set Location & Timezone.
* Collect a backup-key (System still W.I.P) [For lost access to steam account]
+ Added a settings menu, to update information & edit profile description.
+ Added Logout page to switch account.
+ Added Servers page to preview server status (Refreshes every 2 minutes)
+ Added links to servers page for quick access & connection
+ Added legal pages (termsofservice, privacypolicy, cookiepolicy)
+ Added cookie notice & options.
+ Added Forum Homepage (See a list of all categories, boards & most recent threads & replies)
+ Added boards page which shows a list of threads under that board.
+ Added threads page, allowing you to view, like and reply to forum threads.
+ Added "Lock / Unlock Thread" and "Delete Thread" Options.
+ Added "View Profile" option for thread viewers.
+ Full reply system with history & multi-page system.
+ Created a formatting guide (For Forum Posts)
+ Added Members Page showing a list of all users, newest to oldest.
+ Added profile pages, allowing you to view information about a users profile, steam account & much more.
TODO (Next Minor Update): Mobile Navigation, Editing Threads & Discord Linking.
Last edited 260 days, 0 hours ago
Posted 279 days, 2 hours ago
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