PoliceRP Updates
General Notice: Playtesting has started!!!
We have begun the process of testing the server, making sure jobs are balanced, completed, and have enough content to be worthwhile. We have also added the #sneak-peaks channel on Discord, which will start to get more frequent postings.
+ Added Compass to the HUD
+ Added Regeneration Effect: Under 25 Health will begin a slow regeneration back to 25 to get rid of the low health effect.
+ Added Steam Rewards:
- Every 30 Minutes rewards will be given.
- You can get money for both being in the steam group and having AN themed naming conventions in your steam name.
- You can type !steam to see how to claim the rewards.
+ Finished adding all Police Jobs, Fire Brigade Jobs, NHS Jobs & NCA Jobs.
+ Added all ranking structures to all jobs:
- Custom rank plaques for each rank.
- Higher ranking people can promote / demote players without staff intervention.
- Rank shows next to the player as well as on the in-game HUD.
- Rank is notified as well as useful information when switching job.
+ Added !playtime command which can be used to check your own playtime and other online players playtime.
+ Added screen shaking when taking damage.
+ Fixed bug with not being able to un-favourite jobs.
+ /dropmoney, /cheque, /give all give notifications on how to use the wallet-based system.
+ Added !restart which shows restart schedule information.
+ Server now automatically restarts at 3AM british time.
+ Notifications are given before automatic restart.
+ Added /roll and /groll (Announces to everyone instead of locally)
+ Transferred to Main Server (Instead of Dev Server)
+ Removed any non-content pack downloads.
+ Fixed an error with weapon selector when switching between camera and hands.
+ Added job descriptions that print in chat when switching job:
- Show the description of the job.
- Show any additional job rules.
- Show additional useful information.
+ Added downtime indicator (3 Players or Less) [Means rules are loosened]
+ Allowed access to material and colour tool for users.
+ Added prop protection system:
- Reduces lag when players are using props.
- Stops prop abuse, prop fly and rdm with props (lol).
- Notifies staff when someone is attempting to crash the server.
- Adds better restrictions to staff only tools.
- Adds a Buddy System where you can add only the people you trust to easily access and move / interact with your props.
+ Fixed snow crates spawning around the map during cold temperatures.
+ Fixed Graffiti Spray causing blood effect when shot at players.
+ Fixed staff ranks improperly displaying in the F4 Menu.
+ Increased text screen limit to 5.
+ Fixed an error with Card Readers.
Member Since: April 1, 2024
PoliceRP | Update 0.0.5 - Fixes, Changes & More
Posted 184 days, 22 hours ago